The new DIAMOND PM+ product line was developed following customer demand for improved power extinction ration (PER), coupled with ultra-low insertion loss (IL).  The PM+ product line is available with the DIAMOND E-2000™, DMI and Mini AVIM™ connectors.  These connectors incorporate an orientation keying system that allows for a very high PER. Several configurations have been confirmed for wavelengths of 532nm and 1550nm. Other connectors showing larger orientation keying tolerance are still well served by our standard PM product line.

Polarization-maintaining optical fibers are used in specialty applications often found in fiber optic sensing, metrology and laser technology. They are also commonly used in telecommunications, when polarized light is required at the input. In addition, polarization maintaining is expanding rapidly into other markets, such as industrial environments, medical science, surveillance & security and more. DIAMOND supplies high-quality solutions to polarization maintaining (PM) and polarizing (PZ) fiber optical interfaces for optimal control of the signal’s polarization state. Low insertion losses (IL), combined with high polarization extinction ratios (PER) and very high return losses (RL) are achieved over very broad spectral ranges, due to a combination of accurate optical and mechanical design.
